








She and Rafael keep between them a formality that makes them careful with each other. They have stepped into this friendship the way solitaries in medieval times might have bundled together for the night before journeying on towards a destination of marriage or war. So that Anna is not aware that the casualness in Rafael she witnesses is inconsistent with his nature (save for the territorial precision with which he flicked that bee off his guitar in her presence a few days earlier), while he knows scarcely a thing about her. Who is she? This woman who has led him into this medicine cabinet of a room where most of her possessions exist—books, journals, passport, a carefully folded map, archival tapes, even the soap she has brought with her from her other world. As if this orderly collection of things is what she is. So we fall in love with ghosts.




If Bridget had not been an addict or a dealer, if she had not been one whose life seemed engaged with many others, if these qualities had been absent among the clues Cooper had intuited in their first meeting, he probably would have avoided her, would not have had another meal with her at Jocko’s the following Friday, or taken that walk to her apartment. Just as, in an earlier century, he would not have picked up the carefully dropped glove and returned it to the strolling woman. The knowledge of all he assumed made him feel safe. If Bridget sucked a milkywhite smoke up through a water pipe or put a needle into her veins, if she found more pleasure in that than in romance, it meant he would not be important to her. He would remain at most a fragment in her week. She might, he thought, not even recall him a few months from now. As a competent gambler, his instinct told him she would not be a danger to him.






She turned toward him and took his hand in both of hers. “Yes, I’ve thought of you. I’ve thought that things were better when you and I were together back on Avalon, and I’ve thought that maybe it was still you I loved and not Jaan, and I’ve thought that you and I could bring the magic back, make it all make sense again. But don’t you see? It isn’t so, Dirk, and all your pushing won’t make it so. Listen to the city, listen to Kryne Lamiya. There’s your truth. You think about me, and I sometimes about you, only because it’s dead between us. That’s the only reason it seems better. Happiness yesterday and happiness tomorrow, but never today, Dirk. It can’t be, because it’s only an illusion after all, and illusions only look real from a distance. We’re over, my dreamy lost love, over, and that’s the best thing of all, because it’s the only thing that makes it good.”





And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
